Video: PSP unbricker Pandora Battery in action
We’re pretty sure that you guys are having a grand time with the newly-released unbricker for all PlayStation Portables from the heaven-sent homebrew developers Noobz team and Team C+D. We’re all as surprised as you probably were with the early release, especially since it was only yesterday that Fanjita announced such a concept exists.
Anyway, the Pandora Battery has been unleashed and we all soon don’t have to worry about replacing our bricked PSPs. If you’ve seen our earlier coverage on this one, though, the process involved in making this possible requires some technical knowledge as one has to convert a normal PSP battery into a jigkick one.
As much as the devs released a complete and exhaustive Readme.txt file with the program, we figured that some of you may still have some problems following the instructions. So here’s a video clip from user FreePlay showing how to unbrick your PSP units. Have fun!
Thanks Spikertk for the heads up!
We’re pretty sure that you guys are having a grand time with the newly-released unbricker for all PlayStation Portables from the heaven-sent homebrew developers Noobz team and Team C+D. We’re all as surprised as you probably were with the early release, especially since it was only yesterday that Fanjita announced such a concept exists.
Anyway, the Pandora Battery has been unleashed and we all soon don’t have to worry about replacing our bricked PSPs. If you’ve seen our earlier coverage on this one, though, the process involved in making this possible requires some technical knowledge as one has to convert a normal PSP battery into a jigkick one.
As much as the devs released a complete and exhaustive Readme.txt file with the program, we figured that some of you may still have some problems following the instructions. So here’s a video clip from user FreePlay showing how to unbrick your PSP units. Have fun!
Thanks Spikertk for the heads up!