Video: Sackboys get angry too, takes on humans for revenge
Here’s a little something fun to get that boredom a tad bit bearable this weekend. We know them LittleBigPlanet Sackboys to be really cute and adorable and generally harmless. But what happens if they one day take out their claws (oh they do!) and take their revenge on humanity? Video shows exactly what they can do to you. Click on it over at the full article for the lolz.
Here’s a little something fun to get that boredom a tad bit bearable this weekend. We know them LittleBigPlanet Sackboys to be really cute and adorable and generally harmless. But what happens if they one day take out their claws (oh they do!) and take their revenge on humanity?
Video shows exactly what they can do to you. Click on it for the lolz.
Be careful what you wish for. And watch your step.