Virtua Tennis 3: Big balls for beginners

Honey, I shrunk the court...

Anybody remember the first Karate Kid movie, where Pat Morita’s character (rest his soul) taught a young Daniel-san basic Karate by making him paint his house, and wax his cars? That was an interesting lesson in what you could learn by doing something that seemed way OT.

Okay, what’s Miyagi-sensei got to do with Sega‘sVirtua Tennis 3? For the Sharapova/Agassi hopefuls out there, this piece (courtesy of IGN) is gonna be talking about one of the many mini-game that can be found in this soon-to-be-released title: Pin Crusher.

The mini-games were built specifically to help noob players get familiar with the game, and Pin Crusher is no exception – it trains first-time players in the art of learning powerful, accurate serves by putting them in a mini-game involving – you got it – bowling pins. The player has to hit 10 pins lined up on the other side of the court using an over-sized tennis ball, and hopefully knock all the pins down on the first serve, or face the challenge of “sniping” that last, standing pin. See pics below for reference. Enjoy.

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More screens await after the jump!

Honey, I shrunk the court...

Anybody remember the first Karate Kid movie, where Pat Morita’s character (rest his soul) taught a young Daniel-san basic Karate by making him paint his house, and wax his cars? That was an interesting lesson in what you could learn by doing something that seemed way off topic.

Okay, what’s Miyagi-sensei got to do with Sega‘s Virtua Tennis 3? For the Sharapova/Agassi hopefuls out there, this piece (courtesy of IGN) is gonna be talking about one of the many mini-games that can be found in this soon-to-be-released title: Pin Crusher.

The mini-games were built specifically to help beginners get familiar with the game, and Pin Crusher is no exception – it trains first-time players in the art of learning powerful, accurate serves by putting them in a mini-game involving – you got it – bowling pins. The player has to hit 10 pins lined up on the other side of the court using an over-sized tennis ball, and hopefully knock all the pins down on the first serve, or face the challenge of “sniping” that last, standing pin. See pics below for reference. Enjoy.

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Buy: [Virtua Tennis 3 for PS3]

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