Want to woo women? Bar-based flirting, WoW style
Over at QJ, we’re all thinking this is the best lead we’ve had all week. Jahan of Firetree has written an in-depth guide into tackling something far more epic than downing a boss. He’s tackling the epic collegiate instance known as the bar, with the goal being successful social contact with a particular woman.
As he mentions in his opening statements, this guide is meant “to share the strategies I have found most useful for attempting some of the hardest runs you may ever face, that of attempting to pick up chicks at a bar.” He suggests strategies for different group sizes, ranging from two to five people, and mentions how their roles would change in response to the needs of the given run.
If you’ve noticed, this is all done in terms easily understandable by any Blizzard fan. Strangely enough, there is some sort of logic behind the madness. Let’s take a quick example of how the main tank would function in this instance:
This is the raison d’etre for your MT, his role is to identify and nullify the trash mob by tanking her. This is to be accomplished by engaging her in conversation and buying her drinks. Once he has the aggro of the trash mob, he needs to try and turn her around so that the primary target is no longer in her LOS.
Is your interest piqued? Good! Learn from the sage wisdom of Jahan, and let us know what you think, alright?
Over at QJ, we’re all thinking this is the best lead we’ve had all week. Jahan of Firetree has written an in-depth guide into tackling something far more epic than downing a boss. He’s tackling the epic collegiate instance known as the bar, with the goal being successful social contact with a particular woman.
As he mentions in his opening statements, this guide is meant “to share the strategies I have found most useful for attempting some of the hardest runs you may ever face, that of attempting to pick up chicks at a bar.” He suggests strategies for different group sizes, ranging from two to five people, and mentions how their roles would change in response to the needs of the given run.
If you’ve noticed, this is all done in terms easily understandable by any Blizzard fan. Strangely enough, there is some sort of logic behind the madness. Let’s take a quick example of how the main tank would function in this instance:
This is the raison d’etre for your MT, his role is to identify and nullify the trash mob by tanking her. This is to be accomplished by engaging her in conversation and buying her drinks. Once he has the aggro of the trash mob, he needs to try and turn her around so that the primary target is no longer in her LOS.
Is your interest piqued? Good! Learn from the sage wisdom of Jahan, and let us know what you think, alright?