Warning: Fake Patcher Bricks Your PSP!!
Toc2rta, the guys who found the wallpaper exploit in 2.0 homebrew sent us this small warning to give to our users:
PSP Team patcher fake
For anyone who has seen a “patcher” floating around the net by PSP Team. Its fake. It will brick your PSP and will void your warranty. Skylark has disassembled the binary and the results can be found here:
[Disasm By Skylark (http://mirror.toc2rta.com/disasm_skylark.txt)]
[Pspupdates thread (http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=19249)]
Please be warned, this fake patch will delete important file(s) from your firmware, and thus making your PSP broken!!
Toc2rta, the guys who found the wallpaper exploit in 2.0 homebrew sent us this small warning to give to our users:
PSP Team patcher fake
For anyone who has seen a “patcher” floating around the net by PSP Team. Its fake. It will brick your PSP and will void your warranty. Skylark has disassembled the binary and the results can be found here:
[Disasm By Skylark (http://mirror.toc2rta.com/disasm_skylark.txt)]
[Pspupdates thread (http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=19249)]
Please be warned, this fake patch will delete important file(s) from your firmware, and thus making your PSP broken!!