Warriors Orochi PSP’s western trip gets trailer

Warriors Orochi - Image 1There is no more need to worry about Koei cutting corners to bring Warriors Orochi to the Sony PlayStation Portable, because the latest trailer prior to its North American release downright proves that the game’s port looks solid. The trailer also shows that Warriors Orochi for the PSP will offer the same features as its other versions. Hit that jump to see for yourself!

While Koei‘s fan service-filled cross-over of Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors left us satisfied after tyrants Nobunaga Oda and Cao Cao faced off, we always wondered how nice it would be if we could take Warriors Orochi (previously on the Microsoft Xbox 360) everywhere for hack-and-slash action on the go. Fortunately, the Japanese developer recently announced that the epic collision of two worlds is indeed set for the Sony PlayStation Portable. Unbelievers can take a look at the new trailer of Warrior Orochi‘s handheld version.

The entire roster is composed of 48 warriors from ancient China and 29 from their counterparts coming from Japan‘s camp. Of course, having a huge selection isn’t fun when you’ll be stuck with one character alone during missions that can last an hour, so Koei allowed the use of three characters per person who can connect with friends wirelessly via Ad-Hoc for co-op play. It’s also nice to see that Warriors Orochi did not lose visual flair even in its bite-sized iteration.

Koei tagged March 25 as the release date of Warriors Orochi‘s PSP and PC versions in North America. While waiting for next month, you can watch the trailer below.

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