What’s up at Karazhan – Opera Hall Event
Let’s take a look at what goes on over at the Karazhan – Opera Hall Event. According to the sweeping guide for WoW: Burning Crusade over at blizzplanet.com, you will be confronted by two Skeleton Usher guards on your way to Opera Hall. You have to remember that these guys are immune to shackles and hunter traps. They are pretty unpredictable, so it is recommended that you be at max range, and kite if necessary.
Now, after that brush with the guards, it is important that you clear the area and make sure no wandering soul loiters there. Then, you will come to the Opera Hall benches. There will be eight mobs that are easy to AOE by mages. Your mages and warlock boys are basically your frontliners to the AOE aggro, so you better make sure you get them constantly healed.
Then, you’ll have to go and meet Sebastian. Who is he? He’s a friendly NPC by the Opera organ piano. Now, there’s also that basement that you’ll have to look into. But it would be pretty weird if we tell you everything you have to do for this particular area. That just wouldn’t be fun, right? I mean, nobody wants a backseat driver when you’re off to an adventure…
So, with that said, we’ll leave it up to you if you’d want to find out some more nitty-gritty details about the quest that awaits you over at Opera Hall. But for us, our lines end here. Clicking on that “Read” link below is now your choice.
Let’s take a look at what goes on over at the Karazhan – Opera Hall Event. According to the sweeping guide for WoW: Burning Crusade over at blizzplanet.com, you will be confronted by two Skeleton Usher guards on your way to Opera Hall. You have to remember that these guys are immune to shackles and hunter traps. They are pretty unpredictable, so it is recommended that you be at max range, and kite if necessary.
Now, after that brush with the guards, it is important that you clear the area and make sure no wandering soul loiters there. Then, you will come to the Opera Hall benches. There will be eight mobs that are easy to AOE by mages. Your mages and warlock boys are basically your frontliners to the AOE aggro, so you better make sure you get them constantly healed.
Then, you’ll have to go and meet Sebastian. Who is he? He’s a friendly NPC by the Opera organ piano. Now, there’s also that basement that you’ll have to look into. But it would be pretty weird if we tell you everything you have to do for this particular area. That just wouldn’t be fun, right? I mean, nobody wants a backseat driver when you’re off to an adventure…
So, with that said, we’ll leave it up to you if you’d want to find out some more nitty-gritty details about the quest that awaits you over at Opera Hall. But for us, our lines end here. Clicking on that “Read” link below is now your choice.