Where are the hunting Humans?
There’s an intriguing post over on the World of Warcraft forums that basically asks why certain races can’t be certain classes. In the case of the thread we’re talking about, Spidget of Proudmoore is wondering why there aren’t any human hunters when similarly non-nature attuned races like the Blood Elves have a hunter class for themselves.
Drysc gives the straightforward non-lore answer about diversity, saying that “the reasoning is because we ideally want there to be choices and variety of races. And not just throwing every class on every race.” Of course, while that does give a wonderful reason as to why we don’t have human hunters, there’s no lore to support it.
That is, until Junka of Windrunner noted one important reason why there probably aren’t any human hunters anymore, lore-wise: Nathanos Blightcaller. For those who haven’t heard of him, Nathanos Marris was the first, and possibly last, human ranger. He was gifted in the art of hunting, but died at the hands of Ramstein the Gorger and eventually became a member of the Forsaken. He now fights alongside the Horde, recruiting Horde players to help out in ridding the Plaguelands of both the Scourge and the Alliance.
Do you think there are important (or funny) lore reasons for why certain races don’t have certain classes? Let us know in the comments below.
There’s an intriguing post over on the World of Warcraft forums that basically asks why certain races can’t be certain classes. In the case of the thread we’re talking about, Spidget of Proudmoore is wondering why there aren’t any human hunters when similarly non-nature attuned races like the Blood Elves have a hunter class for themselves.
Drysc gives the straightforward non-lore answer about diversity, saying that “the reasoning is because we ideally want there to be choices and variety of races. And not just throwing every class on every race.” Of course, while that does give a wonderful reason as to why we don’t have human hunters, there’s no lore to support it.
That is, until Junka of Windrunner noted one important reason why there probably aren’t any human hunters anymore, lore-wise: Nathanos Blightcaller. For those who haven’t heard of him, Nathanos Marris was the first, and possibly last, human ranger. He was gifted in the art of hunting, but died at the hands of Ramstein the Gorger and eventually became a member of the Forsaken. He now fights alongside the Horde, recruiting Horde players to help out in ridding the Plaguelands of both the Scourge and the Alliance.
Do you think there are important (or funny) lore reasons for why certain races don’t have certain classes? Let us know in the comments below.