Which Uncharted girl would you pick?

nateElena or Chloe? That’s what PlayStation: The Official Magazine asked voice actor Nolan North in their latest issue, and the answer sounds like something ol’ Nate himself would say.





Elena or Chloe? That’s what PlayStation: The Official Magazine asked voice actor Nolan North in their latest issue, and the answer sounds like something ol’ Nate himself would say.




“If I have to pick? Well, I think I like Elena with some Chloe on the side,” the voice actor told the magazine. “If I’m settling down, Elena. I can trust her. If I’m going to keep gallivanting around the world with Sully, I’d like to sail into a port and meet Chloe for dinner and drinks, you know what I mean?”


I bet Nate would say the same, except he doesn’t seem like the settling type, nor would he risk getting his balls shot by saying that aloud. That said, which Uncharted girl would you pick?




[via GamesThirst]


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