WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP Ver0.0
This might not be all that important to you if you’re just interested in homebrew games, but if you’re a homebrew developer, a GBAMP“>WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP”>WiFi bootloader is news because using a WiFi bootloader can be simpler than swapping flashcarts and writing to them. So, if anybody can understand Japanese, we might just figure out what is up with Infantile Paralysiser‘s WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP Ver0.0 (Infantile Paralysiser is the one who brought us MoonShell) so we can share the good news with our online users who have been looking for a bootloader for GBA Media Player (GBAMP).
Unfortunately, this is all I can dredge up about it:
If anybody out there can understand this and can figure out what this means, please help out and place a comment here. The only English I could find was from the readme part (which is just too bad since this app could be very useful):
- “‘Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector’ and ‘DS station’ cannot be used. Please use a wireless router.”
Download: [WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP Ver0.0]
This might not be all that important to you if you’re just interested in homebrew games, but if you’re a homebrew developer, a GBAMP“>WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP”>WiFi bootloader is news because using a WiFi bootloader can be simpler than swapping flashcarts and writing to them. So, if anybody can understand Japanese, we might just figure out what is up with Infantile Paralysiser‘s WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP Ver0.0 (Infantile Paralysiser is the one who brought us MoonShell) so we can share the good news with our online users who have been looking for a bootloader for GBA Media Player (GBAMP).
Unfortunately, this is all I can dredge up about it:
If anybody out there can understand this and can figure out what this means, please help out and place a comment here. The only English I could find was from the readme part (which is just too bad since this app could be very useful):
- “‘Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector’ and ‘DS station’ cannot be used. Please use a wireless router.”
Download: [WiFi BootLoader for GBAMP Ver0.0]