Wii breeds like Rabbids, plus PS3 and Xbox 360 predictions
Lazard Capital Markets (a New-York-based investment bank) says that Nintendo is expecting to ship 150,000 to 200,000 Wii units to North America per week until the end of the year. That’s good news.
Still there will be Wii shortages. Lazard checked with Gamestop and they note that “there is a strong demand for PS3 and Wii ahead of meaningful replenishments.” What they mean is people buy ’em faster than they come in – even though they’re coming in each and every week.
(By the way, who the hell calls the store and asks “Have you had a meaningful replenishment?” LOL. You ask “Has the Wii or PS3 arrived yet?” Meaningful replenishments… *giggles* That’s an idea. Call the retailers… the poor customer help desks won’t understand what the heck we’re saying.)
Anyway, Lazard says that GameStop reports that the Xbox 360 is benefiting from the PS3 and Wii shortages and also from the release of Gears of War. But all we Xbox 360 people knew that already, right?
Lazard also said, “We note that the initial PS3 tie-in ratio is a little light of expectations, however, we expect follow-up game sales and holiday gifts to provide a boost by the end of the year.” Like we said, we do not worry about the low PS3 games-to-console ratio. It’s going to pick up.
Speaking of games to pick up, Lazard predicts strong sales for: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Resistance: Fall of Man, Guitar Hero 2, Call of Duty 3, WWE Smackdown, Need for Speed Carbon, and Final Fantasy XII. The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun.
By the way, you might want to check out what CNN Money says is the best top 10 gifts to buy for gamers.
Lazard also believes that 10% to 15% of all PS3s bought were for resale / eBay / auction purposes. “We estimate that approximately 20,000 PS3s have sold on eBay since pre-orders for the console began last month, with an average auction price of approximately US$1500.”
There you go. You’ve been telling your buddies all these obvious things, but now you have a big-time New-York based financial firm saying the same things. Now let the word go forth: go, be fruitful, and stay ahead of meaningful replenishments!
Lazard Capital Markets (a New-York-based investment bank) says that Nintendo is expecting to ship 150,000 to 200,000 Wii units to North America per week until the end of the year. That’s good news.
Still there will be Wii shortages. Lazard checked with Gamestop and they note that “there is a strong demand for PS3 and Wii ahead of meaningful replenishments.” What they mean is people buy ’em faster than they come in – even though they’re coming in each and every week.
(By the way, who the hell calls the store and asks “Have you had a meaningful replenishment?” LOL. You ask “Has the Wii or PS3 arrived yet?” Meaningful replenishments… *giggles* That’s an idea. Call the retailers… the poor customer help desks won’t understand what the heck we’re saying.)
Anyway, Lazard says that GameStop reports that the Xbox 360 is benefiting from the PS3 and Wii shortages and also from the release of Gears of War. But all we Xbox 360 people knew that already, right?
Lazard also said, “We note that the initial PS3 tie-in ratio is a little light of expectations, however, we expect follow-up game sales and holiday gifts to provide a boost by the end of the year.” Like we said, we do not worry about the low PS3 games-to-console ratio. It’s going to pick up.
Speaking of games to pick up, Lazard predicts strong sales for: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Resistance: Fall of Man, Guitar Hero 2, Call of Duty 3, WWE Smackdown, Need for Speed Carbon, and Final Fantasy XII. The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun.
By the way, you might want to check out what CNN Money says is the best top 10 gifts to buy for gamers.
Lazard also believes that 10% to 15% of all PS3s bought were for resale / eBay / auction purposes. “We estimate that approximately 20,000 PS3s have sold on eBay since pre-orders for the console began last month, with an average auction price of approximately US$1500.”
There you go. You’ve been telling your buddies all these obvious things, but now you have a big-time New-York based financial firm saying the same things. Now let the word go forth: go, be fruitful, and stay ahead of meaningful replenishments!