Wii D2B: cracked by Cyclowiz and Wiikey?
Modchips and console security updates, like the international arms race, is one that never ends. And for a short while, it seemed that chip developers faced another Nintendo hurdle by way of the infamous GC2-D2B model Wii. As we said, “For a short while.” Divineo is now accepting pre-orders for a D2B-capable TeamCyclops‘ modchip for Wii”>CycloWiz chip for a price of US$ 39.99, although we’ll have to see if this really is the case.
And in other news, we bring an update on the Wiikey mod chip. The dev team has pushed its the release date to between February 16 and 20, and is now capable of running on D2B Wii units. As for the updated specs:
- Direct boot of Wii backups (like originals)
- Direct boot of GC backups (like originals)
- Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode
- Supports all currently available console and drive versions (including the D2B chipset)
- True sophisticated upgradability via DVD/disc (future proof, expect cool features to come)
- Direct boot of different NTSC region Wii games on USA and JAP consoles
- Partial support for different region NTSC games on PAL consoles
- Supports different region GC games (partially without swapping)
- Supports multi-disc games for BOTH Wii and Gamecube
- Supports DVD-R / TRUE DVD+R and +RW support (no bitsetting required)
- Improved read settings for recordable media
- Built-in audio fix (for games using streaming, no patch required)
- Supports full-size 4GB DVD for Gamecube homebrew
- Stealth mode
- 512 byte EEPROM to store configuration
- 4 wires & quick solder interface
- Unique disc backup application via SD-card
- Compact design, best quality components, rock solid high speed controller
- Professional ESD packing
Keep checking back for updates (on price tag perhaps?) on this potential hot-sell, along with any word on the other two chips expected to break the D2B barrier soon, The Wiinja and the Wiip.
Modchips and console security updates, like the international arms race, is one that never ends. And for a short while, it seemed that chip developers faced another Nintendo hurdle by way of the infamous GC2-D2B model Wii. As we said, “For a short while.” Divineo is now accepting pre-orders for a D2B-capable TeamCyclops‘ modchip for Wii”>CycloWiz chip for a price of US$ 39.99, although we’ll have to see if this really is the case.
And in other news, we bring an update on the Wiikey mod chip. The dev team has pushed its the release date to between February 16 and 20, and is now capable of running on D2B Wii units. As for the updated specs:
- Direct boot of Wii backups (like originals)
- Direct boot of GC backups (like originals)
- Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode
- Supports all currently available console and drive versions (including the D2B chipset)
- True sophisticated upgradability via DVD/disc (future proof, expect cool features to come)
- Direct boot of different NTSC region Wii games on USA and JAP consoles
- Partial support for different region NTSC games on PAL consoles
- Supports different region GC games (partially without swapping)
- Supports multi-disc games for BOTH Wii and Gamecube
- Supports DVD-R / TRUE DVD+R and +RW support (no bitsetting required)
- Improved read settings for recordable media
- Built-in audio fix (for games using streaming, no patch required)
- Supports full-size 4GB DVD for Gamecube homebrew
- Stealth mode
- 512 byte EEPROM to store configuration
- 4 wires & quick solder interface
- Unique disc backup application via SD-card
- Compact design, best quality components, rock solid high speed controller
- Professional ESD packing
Keep checking back for updates (on price tag perhaps?) on this potential hot-sell, along with any word on the other two chips expected to break the D2B barrier soon, The Wiinja and the Wiip.