Wii Fit and Wiiware set for U.S. release in May
Nintendo’s decided to go official with the dates of two big North American releases; namely, Wii Fit, the fitness enhancing software, and WiiWare, Nintendo’s game download service.
The two are expected to come out in May, and happen to be a week apart. Interested in knowing the specific dates so you can prepare? Check out the full article for more!
Wii Fit and WiiWare are set to take North America by storm, and while we wait for additional news to surface at the GDC, we’ve got two bits of information that you guys will like.
They’re about the release dates for the now-famous fitness training program and games download service! According to the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo will announce the dates for both during today’s GDC session.
That being said, they’ve already decided to pre-empt the announcement with a statement saying that the WiiWare service will go live on May 12 and the Wii Fit “exercise product” will come out on May 19.
Certainly some good news for those people who’ve been patiently waiting for the two to show up. In any case, we’ll have more for you once the official announcement becomes public, so keep checking QJ for updates.