Wii homebrew – BibleQuiz v0.9
January 16, 2009
Hallelujah! Here’s another Wii homebrew game from wplaat: BibleQuiz, and it’s now on v0.90. It’s mostly bugfixes for this update, check the full article for the changelog.
Download: BibleQuiz v0.9
Download: BibleQuiz v0.9 (source)
Hallelujah! Here’s another Wii homebrew game from wplaat: BibleQuiz, and it’s now on v0.90. It’s mostly bugfixes for this update, such as graphic bug fixes and removal of bugs in the network thread.
Anyway, here’s the complete changelog:
- Update url on intro screens to www.plaatsoft.nl (wplaat’s new domain).
- Network thread status is now showed on welcome screen.
- Bugfix: Remove some small reported graphical bugs.
- Bugfix: Highscore is now always loaded correctly.
- Bugfix: Remove several bugs in network thread.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
If you wanted to play gameshow, this one’s a good substitute. So far, there have been no additional question categories in this bunch, so we’ll have to wait a bit more. It’s a good game nonetheless.
Download: BibleQuiz v0.9
Download: BibleQuiz v0.9 (source)
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Via Plaatsoft