Wii Homebrew – Dungeons v0.8

Nintendo Wii - Image 1Dungeons v0.8 is a mini RPG for the Wii coded in C by developer Iron Hand. There are red orbs to be found and a last Boss to be fought, so get yourselves ready for this homebrewed adventure. More details on the game can be found at the full article.

Download: Dungeoons v0.8

Dungeons v0.8 - Image 1 

Ready to chase some monsters? Good, cos Dungeons v0.8 is here from Iron Hand. This is his first Wii homebrew game release and is made in pure C.

Your objective for this mini RPG is to find all the red orbs and of course, fight the last Boss. Along the way, there will be monsters making your journey a bit  more tedious, but if you beat them you can power up your skills. What’s important is for you to find out which values are the best. There are also keys to be found that can open doors in labyrinths of chaos, where you can become a hero.

For this release, the main engine has already been completed, as well as the ten levels. You can play along further if you want, but there will be no new monsters and maps appearing. There are 15 orbs so far to look for.

Here are the rest of the dev notes for this game:


  • the game is hard
  • the game is short
  • hands hurts after a few time
  • no equipment

Known Bugs:

  • some graphical glitchs
  • the game is not well balanced
  • the game starts in the same map everytime

Download: Dungeoons v0.8

Via WiiBrew

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