Wii homebrew – ELF to DOL Converter v1.1
October 28, 2008
Homebrew dev Yossi has released an app that lets users convert their .elf files to .dol files. Very useful for Wii owners running Homebrew Channel beta 9, which doesn’t support DevKitPC .elf files. More info in the full article.
Download: ELF to DOL Converter
Homebrew dev Yossi has released an app that lets users convert their .elf files to .dol files. Very useful for Wii owners running Homebrew Channel beta 9, which doesn’t support DevKitPC .elf files.
Here are a few notes from the developer:
- This deletes the old .elf files after it’s done with them. If you want to keep them either back them up beforehand, or edit the script to not erase.
- There are some valid .elf files out there. Running this on them will cause them to stop working. Backup your apps folder before you run this.
Download: ELF to DOL Converter
Thanks to JaCobian91 for the tip!
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Via WiiBrew