Wii homebrew game – Dance Clone v0.3
May 14, 2010
Here’s the latest version of Dance Clone, a wiibrew clown of the ever-popular music game Dance Dance Revolution for the Nintendo Wii courtesy of homebrew coder ThatOtherPerson. Full changelog after the jump.
Download: Dance Clone v0.3
Here’s the latest version of Dance Clone, a wiibrew clone of the ever-popular music game Dance Dance Revolution for the Nintendo Wii courtesy of homebrew coder ThatOtherPerson.
- Added the ability to import SM (StepMania) format step files.
- The scrolling Boo/Good/Perfect ratings are now properly cleared out when a song ends or is exited rather then remaining and waiting for you to start a new song.
- Added text at the bottom of the screen displaying your performance.
- Added support for up to five different step placement tracks per song to allow for multiple difficulties.
- Step files used by the game now use a dc file name extension rather then dat. They must also now include information on what difficulty mode steps are to be associated with.
- An added title screen along with several other added or updated in game menus. The song selection menu for example now allows you to scroll threw available songs when there are too many to display on screen at once.
- Added a home menu screen from which you can return to the game, return to the homebrew loader, restart your Wii, turn off your Wii, save a screenshot in BMP format or do the same as a PNG format image. The home menu also displayed the time and date.
Download: Dance Clone v0.3
Via [Wiibrew]