Wii homebrew game – TetriCycle v0.4b
July 21, 2010
Wiibrew coder calvinss4 has released a new version of TetriCycle, a homebrewed version of Tetris game with a twist. The latest update, now available for download, includes some new features and some minor fixes.
Download: TetriCycle v0.4b
Wiibrew coder calvinss4 has released a new version of TetriCycle, a homebrewed version of Tetris game with a twist. The latest update, now available for download, includes some new features and some minor fixes.
- Shadow option — see where the current piece will drop.
- Preview option — see what the next piece will be.
- Multiplayer looks better. Each playfield is drawn from the same perspective, but with a shifted viewport.
Download: TetriCycle v0.4b
Via [Wiibrew]