Wii Homebrew: Mandelbrot, mathematically pretty shapes
Wii homebrew alert! Math fans would love this one. Even just people who like psychedelically pretty stuff. If you know the Mandelbrot set, then you’ll get what we mean. It’s basically a program that creates fractals. If you don’t know what either are, head over to the full article for some screenshots.
Download: Mandelbrot Set Generator
Developer krupkat has released Mandelbrot, a new homebrew program for the Wii. As the name of the program implies, it’s a Mandelbrot set generator. A Mandelbrot set is basically a set of points set in a complex plane.
The points on the plane create fractal images. A fractal is a geometric shape whose smaller parts are copies of the whole. If those definitions don’t grab you, all you have to know is that it makes psychedelic images that’s mathematically pretty.
Click on the screenshots above to get an idea of how it works. Here are the developer’s notes on how to use the program:
- You can load it with Front SD ELF Loader, I haven’t tried the other possibilities but they should work.
- Controls:
- A – zoom
- control pad – move
- L,R – change palette
- X,Y – change number of iterations – use to get more details
- start + Z – resets to loader
Download: Mandelbrot Set Generator
Via Wiibrew