Wii homebrew – RedSquare v0.72
Wii Brew stalwart wplaat is still burning the midnight oil, coming up with updates for his games all the time. RedSquare is now at v0.72, with more updates and bugfixes. If you’ve been ignoring the updates all this time, you might want to give this brew a try now. The developer wouldn’t be spending all that time and effort on this one if it sucks, right?
Download: RedSquare v0.72
Download: RedSquare v0.72 (source)
Wii Brew stalwart wplaat is still burning the midnight oil, coming up with updates for his games all the time. RedSquare is now at v0.72, with more updates and bugfixes. If you’ve been ignoring the updates all this time, you might want to give this brew a try now. The developer wouldn’t be spending all that time and effort on this one if it sucks, right?
These are the changes from the last version:
- Update urls on intro screens to www.plaatsoft.nl (wplaat’s new domain).
- Bugfix: google analysic requests are now working again.
- Bugfix: Score cheating with 1 and 2 button is now not possible anymore.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
Gameplay’s still the same, hold on to that red square and make sure you don’t run into walls and obstacles. Feels like an RPG mini-game at times, and that’s always a good thing.
Download: RedSquare v0.72
Download: RedSquare v0.72 (source)
Previous release:
Via WiiBrew