Wii homebrew – RedSquare v0.91
March 10, 2009
It’s been a while since the last update, but wplaat is back with his RedSquare, which now comes with some new features and improvements. Changelog in the full article.
Download: RedSquare v0.91
It’s been a while since the last update, but wplaat is back with his RedSquare, which now comes with some new features and improvements. wplaat also notes that his issues with the new GRRLIB are now a-ok, so the png images look smoother with v4.0.
Changelog for v0.91
- Upgrade GRRLIB graphical render engine from v3.0 to v4.0.
- Improve intro screens.
- Added play time information on game screen.
- Added fps (frame-per-second) information on all screens.
- Added screen shot functionality. Press the plus button to make a screen shot picture.
- Pictures are stored on the SD Card in the following directory sd:/apps/RedSquare
Download: RedSquare v0.91
Previous release:
Via Plaatsoft