Wii homebrew – SignCheck v0.3
Homebrew coder The Lemon Man has released a new update for SignCheck, a homebrew application which checks if your Wii’s IOS can be used in fakesigning. The latest update was completely rewritten.
Download: SignCheck v0.3
Homebrew coder The Lemon Man has released a new update for SignCheck, a homebrew application which checks if your Wii’s IOS can be used in fakesigning. The latest update was completely rewritten.
Developers note:
SignCheck is a homebrew application which does several check on your Wii’s IOS. It can check if fakesigning (aka trucha bug) can be used, if nand, USB 2 IOS tree or boot2 IOS tree is accessible by that IOS. And at the end of the test, it will output a .csv log named signCheck.csv in the root of your SD card. The third release can now check all the IOS on the Wi and adds a pair of new checks.
Download: SignCheck v0.3
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