Wii Homebrew – Trojan Wii v1.1
September 30, 2008
It’s a Trojan LCD game simulator from Jon Conrad, and it runs on various platforms. More information on what it does and does not do after the jump.
Download: Trojan Wii v1.1
This here is the Trojan Wii v1.1 created by Jon Conrad. It is a Trojan LCD game simulator, and it runs on PC, OSX, NDS, Wii and the original Xbox. That’s multifunctional for you.
He wrote this brew using SDL so that it can be ported easily. According to him, OSX was the easiest to port, while the PC and Visual Studio were the most difficult to deal with. And as he was only interested in the gameplay element, he did not bother simulating the date or time function anymore. Do enjoy!
Download: Trojan Wii v1.1
Via WiiBrew