Wii homebrew Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.8: New Match Wii Game control option, tilt and solar sensor support, more
Homebrew dev Tantric has released an update for Visual Boy Advance GX, his GBA emulator for the Nintendo Wii console. This new release bumps Visual Boy Advance GX up to version 1.0.8. The big changes here are the “Match Wii Game” controls option, full support for rotation and tilt sensor-based games, rumble and PAL support, and support for solar sensors found in Boktai.
Download: Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.8
Homebrew dev Tantric has released an update for Visual Boy Advance GX, his GameBoy Advance emulator for the Nintendo Wii console. This new release bumps Visual Boy Advance GX up to version 1.0.8.
This new release bumps Visual Boy Advance GX up to version 1.0.8. the big changes here are the “Match Wii Game” controls option, full support for rotation and tilt sensor-based games, rumble and PAL support, and support for solar sensors found in Boktai.
Here’s the complete changelog:
- “Match Wii Game” controls option! Games that have a Wii equivalent can be played using the controls for that Wii game. For example all Zelda games can be played with Twilight Princess controls.
- Rotation/Tilt sensor games all work
- Solar sensors (Boktai 1/2/3)
- Rumble (except for games that rely on Gameboy Player)
- Keyboard
- PAL support, finally!
- New scaling options, choose how much stretching you want
- Colourised games now partially work but still have distortion
- “Corvette” no longer has a screwed up palette (but still crashes)
- Triggers net reconnection on SMB failure
- Source code refactored, and project file added
Download: Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.8
Related articles:
- Wii homebrew – Visual Boy Advance GX 1.0.7
- Visual Boy Advance GX 1.0.6: save state bug fix, SD card access fix
Via WiiBrew