Wii homebrew – WiiMC v1.0.5
July 20, 2010
Wiibrew coders Tantric and rodries has recently updated their feature-packed, open source media player for the Nintendo Wii, the WiiMC. The latest update of the homebrew has added even more features, a few fixes and various other improvements.
Download: WiiMC v1.0.5 (update)
Download: WiiMC Channel Installer 1.2
Wiibrew coders Tantric and rodries has recently updated their feature-packed, open source media player for the Nintendo Wii, the WiiMC. The latest update of the homebrew has added even more features, a few fixes and various other improvements.
- Synced to MPlayer r31641
- Added volume control in Music area
- Added option to hide DVD functionality from the UI
- UTF-8 SMB support
- Ability to use both USB ports (requires IOS 202 installed with installer v1.1 – WARNING: older versions of IOS 202 are NO LONGER supported)
- Increase max SMB shares to 9
- Fixed sleep timer
- Added “Now Playing” to screensaver
- Disable screensaver while slideshow is active
- Increased video auto-play limit from 20 to 50
- MMS support (thanks denper!)
- Improved online stream display (thanks gazstone!)
- New SHOUTcast support (WARNING: updating will overwrite your onlinemedia.xml to install new links – backup your old links if necessary)
- Audio language setting
- Jump to and highlight folder when going up one level
- Highlight file when returning to menu
- Save settings when power button is used
- Added option to use static folder locations
- Display parent directory beside Up One Level
- Improved restore points behavior
- Other miscellaneous improvements/corrections
- Language updates
Download: WiiMC v1.0.5 (update)
Download: WiiMC Channel Installer 1.2
Via [WiiMC]