Wii Menu update v3.3 stops Datel’s Wii Freeloader too

Freeloader goes bust on 3.3 update - Image 1It looks like the 3.3 Wii Menu update has done more than disable the Twilight Princess hack. It seems the update has also taken care of Datel‘s Wii Freeloader, rendering it useless if you update your Wii. More confirmation after the jump!

Firmware 3.3 disables Datel's Freeloader - Image 1

Wii Menu update v3.3 did more than just disable the Twilight Princess hack. It appears as if it’s also spelled the end of Datel‘s Wii Freeloader if you get the update, according to various news sources.

We decided to check in on Datel’s Codejunkies website to see if it was true, and sure enough, in addition to the confirmations made by the various news sources, the above announcement was posted over the different versions of Datel’s Wii Freeloader.

In case you’re having trouble increasing the size of the picture, it basically says that “due to circumstances beyond [Datel’s] control, the Wii Freeloader isn’t compatible with Wii Firmware 3.3 and higher.” It does mention, however, that you can still use it with any WIi that uses firmware 3.2 and below.

Via Codejunkies

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