Wii Price Drop confirmed — by Sony?!?

Wii Price Cut - Image 1I guess we should have been more specific. When we said we’re waiting for a confirmation on the Nintendo Wii price cut, we meant (and we thought it should have been obvious) that we were waiting for it from Nintendo. Well, it doesn’t look like Ninty’s up to the plate anytime soon, so in the meantime, this confirmation will have to do — from Sony.

I guess we should have been more specific. When we said we’re waiting for a confirmation on the Nintendo Wii price cut, we meant (and we thought it should have been obvious) that we were waiting for it from Nintendo. Well, it doesn’t look like Ninty’s up to the plate anytime soon, so in the meantime, this confirmation will have to do — from Sony.

from Best Buy event - Image 1
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At a Best Buy event in Kansas City, Missouri, a Sony representative presented a supposed price comparison chart for all three consoles. Lo and behold, the Wii was marked with a US$ 199 price tag.

Later on, however, a Sony rep contacted Kotaku to inform that “the presentation was only giving perspective based on a speculative price for the Wii.” Cos you know, they’re also just still waiting for Nintendo to confirm.

Everyone’s waiting, Nintendo. Come on, spill it out.

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Via Kotaku

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