Wii Rain Check comes in handy while stocks are still out
Still looking for stores that are selling Nintendo Wii units at normal prices? You’ll be hard-pressed to find any at this point. That’s why people who took advantage of GameStop and Nintendo’s Wii Rain Check offer last month are breathing a sigh of relief. The promo may have gotten some bad press for not doing too well, but sweet vindication is now at hand. Find out why in the full article.
If you’re one of the many shoppers who weren’t able to get their hands on a Nintendo Wii last Christmas season and instead you settled for a Wii Rain Check at GameStop, you have to be breathing a sigh of relief right now.
You’ve probably had your innovative little console in your living room since last Friday, and it should be dishing out all the fun you can handle.
Wii units are still out of stock in a lot of areas, and if you plan on getting them online, you probably will end up paying as much as US$ 400. The word is that new units will replenish retailer supplies by February 14, so those who didn’t avail of the Rain Check are set for another rush during Valentine’s Day.
If you didn’t catch our post on the Wii Rain Check a month back, it was essentially Nintendo’s way of giving disappointed holiday shoppers some consolation. The Rain Check essentially allowed people to order Wii units at US$ 250 with the guarantee of receiving it before January was done. Reports suggested that the promo didn’t do too well, but looking back at it, it may have been a good idea for a lot of people after all.
Via i4u