Wii Sports Gone From Pre-Order Lists
The big Japanese Wii event is just right at our doorstep, so what does that mean? It means that the big gossip phoenix in the sky will swoop down from the heavens and breathe new life into old and molding rumors.
There have been rumors before about Wii Sports being bundled with the Wii on release, now according to Wiifanboy’s research, that rumor is starting to look a lot more like fact.
Apparently, Wii Sports is gone from the pre-order order lists. Adding to this, several of the older Wii titles at GameStop now have box image art. Wii Sports doesn’t.
It’s only logical to assume that Wii Sports will be bundled in with the system because it capitalizes on the capabilities of the Wii-mote. It easily makes the game family friendly. Nintendo themselves, given their marketing campaign filled with images of families enjoying the Wii while playing sports games add credit to this assumption.
One IGN forums poster claims that Wii Sports is bundled not only because it will sell the system but also to cover up for the lack of a classic controller (for more traditional types of games) in the launch bundle.
A poster named Hanpusukun at the gamecore.se forum had this to say:
“Nintendo figures that two Wii remote and nunchuck controllers and Wii Sports will be an immediate hook for the audience they’re aiming for. Many people remember those NES sports games as some of their favorite NES games. (RBI Baseball, anyone?) Nintendo is hoping to snag older fans back with this Wii Sports title.”
If the Wii Sports does come with the bundle, it’s definitely a welcome treat. We’ll keep you guys updated, just in case Nintendo decides to spill.
Pre-Order: [Wii Sports]
The big Japanese Wii event is just right at our doorstep, so what does that mean? It means that the big gossip phoenix in the sky will swoop down from the heavens and breathe new life into old and molding rumors.
There have been rumors before about Wii Sports being bundled with the Wii on release, now according to Wiifanboy’s research, that rumor is starting to look a lot more like fact.
Apparently, Wii Sports is gone from the pre-order order lists. Adding to this, several of the older Wii titles at GameStop now have box image art. Wii Sports doesn’t.
It’s only logical to assume that Wii Sports will be bundled in with the system because it capitalizes on the capabilities of the Wii-mote. It easily makes the game family friendly. Nintendo themselves, given their marketing campaign filled with images of families enjoying the Wii while playing sports games add credit to this assumption.
One IGN forums poster claims that Wii Sports is bundled not only because it will sell the system but also to cover up for the lack of a classic controller (for more traditional types of games) in the launch bundle.
A poster named Hanpusukun at the gamecore.se forum had this to say:
“Nintendo figures that two Wii remote and nunchuck controllers and Wii Sports will be an immediate hook for the audience they’re aiming for. Many people remember those NES sports games as some of their favorite NES games. (RBI Baseball, anyone?) Nintendo is hoping to snag older fans back with this Wii Sports title.”
If the Wii Sports does come with the bundle, it’s definitely a welcome treat. We’ll keep you guys updated, just in case Nintendo decides to spill.
Pre-Order: [Wii Sports]