Wii vs GC Graphical Comparision

GC vs Wii Comparison

There have been several Wii graphical comparisons with the current-gen consoles. Many have found themselves comparing the Wii with next-generation consoles as well with the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. However, we all know that the Wii is not anything spectacular graphics-wise, but we still find ourselves comparing it to these all-powerful consoles.

As we all found out in the past few months, the Wii is “basically” the Nintendo Gamecube with slightly increased graphics. So, people have finally realized that comparing the Wii to next-gen isn’t going to provide us a sufficient view on the power of the Wii, so someone has taken the time to compile a Wii vs GC graphical comparison picture – GC is on the left, and Wii is on the right.

The most noticeable difference comes with Super Smash Brothers Brawl vs Super Smash Brothers (GC). Mario’s textures are more detailed as well as our favorite adventure-hero, Link. Now that we look at the GC and the Wii side by side, we can see that the Wii is indeed very powerful. It may not be as powerful as the next-gen consoles coming out this year (and last).

The only “downside” to all of this is the fact that we are comparing “old” GC games to new Wii games. Considering The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess is to be released on both the Wii and the GC with no graphical changes, one can argue that the GC has already been capable of these high-end graphics, just no developer has used them.

Via Gamer France

GC vs Wii Comparison

There have been several Wii graphical comparisons with the current-gen consoles. Many have found themselves comparing the Wii with next-generation consoles as well with the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. However, we all know that the Wii is not anything spectacular graphics-wise, but we still find ourselves comparing it to these all-powerful consoles.

As we all found out in the past few months, the Wii is “basically” the Nintendo Gamecube with slightly increased graphics. So, people have finally realized that comparing the Wii to next-gen isn’t going to provide us a sufficient view on the power of the Wii, so someone has taken the time to compile a Wii vs GC graphical comparison picture – GC is on the left, and Wii is on the right.

The most noticeable difference comes with Super Smash Brothers Brawl vs Super Smash Brothers (GC). Mario’s textures are more detailed as well as our favorite adventure-hero, Link. Now that we look at the GC and the Wii side by side, we can see that the Wii is indeed very powerful. It may not be as powerful as the next-gen consoles coming out this year (and last).

The only “downside” to all of this is the fact that we are comparing “old” GC games to new Wii games. Considering The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess is to be released on both the Wii and the GC with no graphical changes, one can argue that the GC has already been capable of these high-end graphics, just no developer has used them.

Via Gamer France

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