WiiPhysics v1.3: configurable density, increased world size, loads more
Beardface has done it once again with the release of WiiPhysics v1.3. This incredibly fun program has been given a robust update. Several great new features have been added, including the ability to configure the density of objects, as well as having a larger world for us to play in. More details in the full article.
Download: WiiPhysics v1.3
Visit: QJ.NET Wiibrew Forums, WiiPhysics Thread
Much thanks to Nullkill for the heads up in the forums!
WiiPhysics, an incredibly fun program from Wiibrew developer Beardface, has been given a robust update and is now on version 1.3. If you missed out on the previous releases, WiiPhysics is a drawing playground where you get to make your doodles on screen be subjected to the laws of physics.
Version 1.3 has several great new features, including background music, in-game help, and a reset button. Objects now also have configurable density. Dynamic Gravity, Restitution, and Friction now all have their own GUIs. Great, eh? Anyway, here are all the new stuff you can expect from the download, as taken from the changelog:
- In Game Help
- Pen Drawing added
- Reset Button Added
- Added BG Music
- Bug fixes
- Initial action sounds (Using Sndlib)
- Intro Screen while wiiphysics constructs
- Main Menu
- Added Prismatic (Slider) Joint
- Added Settings Menu
- Added configurable Color
- Added configurable Density
- Added Show/Hide Menu Button
- Increased world size (no longer hit the bottom with too many objects)
- Fixed layout
- Reset velocity to 0 if you grab an object
- Set Velocity of Selected objects to whatever the velocity of the wiimote is
- Fixed Freeze Unfreeze (Hit B while you have object selected to swap)
- Dynamic Gravity Setting GUI
- Dynamic Restitution GUI (Change individual object bouncieness)
- Dynamic Friction GUI
Download: WiiPhysics v1.3
Visit: QJ.NET Wiibrew Forums, WiiPhysics Thread
Much thanks to Nullkill for the heads up in the forums!
More Wiibrew from Beardface:
- EasyIOS v0.1.2: an IOS command homebrew for the Wii
- WiiPoker v0.1: Poker on your Wii
- LibOSK 0.4.4: configurable on-screen keyboard for Wiibrew apps
- WiiPhysics v1.2: improved drawing, bug fixes, new layout, more
Via WiiPhysics