Wild ARMs XF shipping on March 11
If you want more Wild ARMs XF news, then we’ve got it for you. We recently received an email from XSeed games about their upcoming title, and they’ve revealed the shipping date and sugggested retail price for the game. Interested in knowing more? Then head to the full article for all the relevant info.
Want more Wild ARMs XF news? Well, we’ve got it for you. XSeed Games recently sent word about the game’s shipping date and suggested retail price.
According to XSeed, Wild ARMs XF is scheduled to ship on March 11, 2008, with a suggested retail price of US$ 39.99. What’s more, XSeed also sent out word that they’ve updated the multimedia section of the website with a new trailer for the game.
If you want to view the new trailer, feel free to follow the source link below and click on the multimedia tab to access the trailer. Enjoy!