WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1: scanline/refresh bug fixed

WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1 released - Image 1Nintendo DS homebrew developer asiekierka has a new build of WireWorld DS up for people to download, bringing it to version 1.0 RC1. If you’d like to know more about this program, feel free to head to the full article for a changelog.

Download: WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1
Download: WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1 Source Code

WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1 released - Image 1Nintendo DS homebrew developer asiekierka has a new build of WireWorld DS up for people to download, bringing it to version 1.0 RC1. For those who haven’t heard of WireWorld DS, think of it as a portable version of The Game of Life, a computer program that simulates life according to a handful of simple, pre-determined rules.

This version is actually an update to a recently-made version 1.0, which happened to have a scanline/refresh bug in it. That being said, you can view the recent changes below.

1.0 RC1:

  • ! The first released 1.0 version!
  • + scrolling finished
  • / scanline/refresh bug fixed
  • * Moved to a 1D array (now some code uses one for instead of two, but some still needs 2D, and so i use a 1D-to-2D #define converter)
  • $ something else maybe, i don’t know

1.0 beta 0:

  • ! Had this evil scanline/refresh bug.
  • + scrolling half-done

The download files below contain the actual program, with a separate download for the source files of WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1. We suggest you fire it up on your DS, if only for the chance to simulate life.

Download: WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1
Download: WireWorld DS v1.0 RC1 Source Code

Via gbadev.org

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