World of Warcraft: Elementium Guild looking for Warlocks
Another end-game Raid group is calling for new members, because, to put it simply, they want more. Elementium has about four slots max open for skilled Raid Warlocks. You’d better be decked out and spec’ed right, because like the past guilds, Elementium is not entertaining slackers.
Expect the usual requirements: voice communication, good Net connection, and powerful computer, among others, to be part of their application mandate. You’ll have to hop over to their main site, however, because they only accept applications in the Applications section of their main site Forums.
This guild also caters mostly to those players located at the other side of the globe, as they do their Raids at approximately 8 p.m., Singapore, Perth timezone (GMT +8). That’s around 3 a.m. server time, folks. Pre-requirements include:
- MC Attunement is now a pre-requirement to join.
- Onyxia Key quest is now a pre-requirement to join.
- Blackwing Lair Attunement is now a pre-requirement to join.
- Naxxramas Attunement is now a pre-requirement to join.
But beware, Elementium is situated on the BlackRock realm, a PvP realm. We repeat that: Elementium is on a PvP realm, so if you know you can’t jump ship to gank central, you wouldn’t have to hop on over to their Forums at all. If you’re brave enough, you can click the “Read” link below and check out the requirements. We’ll take you straight to the Application Form thread just in case you could get lost.
Another end-game Raid group is calling for new members, because, to put it simply, they want more. Elementium has about four slots max open for skilled Raid Warlocks. You’d better be decked out and spec’ed right, because like the past guilds, Elementium is not entertaining slackers.
Expect the usual requirements: voice communication, good Net connection, and powerful computer, among others, to be part of their application mandate. You’ll have to hop over to their main site, however, because they only accept applications in the Applications section of their main site Forums.
This guild also caters mostly to those players located at the other side of the globe, as they do their Raids at approximately 8 p.m., Singapore, Perth timezone (GMT +8). That’s around 3 a.m. server time, folks. Pre-requirements include:
- MC Attunement is now a pre-requirement to join.
- Onyxia Key quest is now a pre-requirement to join.
- Blackwing Lair Attunement is now a pre-requirement to join.
- Naxxramas Attunement is now a pre-requirement to join.
But beware, Elementium is situated on the BlackRock realm, a PvP realm. We repeat that: Elementium is on a PvP realm, so if you know you can’t jump ship to gank central, you wouldn’t have to hop on over to their Forums at all. If you’re brave enough, you can click the “Read” link below and check out the requirements. We’ll take you straight to the Application Form thread just in case you could get lost.