World of Warcraft Europe: Hunter Wiki Beta now up
To get all the information you need to build your perfect Hunter, World of Warcraft Hunter contributors banded together to build up a central site and wiki dedicated to the Hunter. They can collaborate and post up their insights to the favorite class (though most hated by other classes) in hybrid lovin’ World of Warcraft.
The move to switch to a separate community away from the World of Warcraft Europe Forums was due to the fact that most of the FYI threads for the Hunters have been stripped of their sticky status. Now all those threads are lost in the Hunter Forums amidst all the “where are all my stickied threads?” threads. How ironic, isn’t it?
The site, membership and information is free and is open to all Hunters in the WoW Europe Forum community. Consolidating their finds back into a unified source, all you pet lovers can pry out Arena LOS tactics, check out the latest on developer feedbacks, class-specific nerfs and share Hunter-specific experiences with other contributors. Click on the “Read” link below to hop right onto the Hunter Wiki site.
To get all the information you need to build your perfect Hunter, World of Warcraft Hunter contributors banded together to build up a central site and wiki dedicated to the Hunter. They can collaborate and post up their insights to the favorite class (though most hated by other classes) in hybrid lovin’ World of Warcraft.
The move to switch to a separate community away from the World of Warcraft Europe Forums was due to the fact that most of the FYI threads for the Hunters have been stripped of their sticky status. Now all those threads are lost in the Hunter Forums amidst all the “where are all my stickied threads?” threads. How ironic, isn’t it?
The site, membership and information is free and is open to all Hunters in the WoW Europe Forum community. Consolidating their finds back into a unified source, all you pet lovers can pry out Arena LOS tactics, check out the latest on developer feedbacks, class-specific nerfs and share Hunter-specific experiences with other contributors. Click on the “Read” link below to hop right onto the Hunter Wiki site.