World of Warcraft: give us your best AFK and G2G one-liners
Yes, ladies and gentlemen: if only to excuse yourself from a dragging conversation with a completely obnoxious dork, you probably had your share to fill into the List of “Excuse me, I’m AFK” and “Whoopsie, G2G!” lines. Well, some World of Warcraft players have had tons to slap onto their status message or farewell line, and most were nothing short of a giggle.
Okay, so sometimes you pretend to go AFK to watch a few battleground sessions or to annoy a pretty shabby raid group. Some of the really cool AFK and G2G liners aren’t exactly just one line, though. Our best pick has just got to be from LeroyBlack, a level 50 Draenei Shaman, which went something like this:
[Me]: Hey I’m gonna afk for a little bit, I’m going to go have sex.
[Fiance]: Yeah, we’ll be back in a little bit.
Me has gone AFK.
Fiance has gone AFK.
[Them]: I guess we’re taking a break. [Let’s] all go have sex and try to be back in 20-30 minutes.
Everyone has gone AFK.
But that’s just halfway up the thread, with other crafty one-liners coming from the opposite camp. Take this one, for example:
[G2Ger]: “g2g, my water just broke”
[Group]: “you’re a mage, can’t you just summon more?”
Haha! A classic.
Via WoW Forums
Yes, ladies and gentlemen: if only to excuse yourself from a dragging conversation with a completely obnoxious dork, you probably had your share to fill into the List of “Excuse me, I’m AFK” and “Whoopsie, G2G!” lines. Well, some World of Warcraft players have had tons to slap onto their status message or farewell line, and most were nothing short of a giggle.
Okay, so sometimes you pretend to go AFK to watch a few battleground sessions or to annoy a pretty shabby raid group. Some of the really cool AFK and G2G liners aren’t exactly just one line, though. Our best pick has just got to be from LeroyBlack, a level 50 Draenei Shaman, which went something like this:
[Me]: Hey I’m gonna afk for a little bit, I’m going to go have sex.
[Fiance]: Yeah, we’ll be back in a little bit.
Me has gone AFK.
Fiance has gone AFK.
[Them]: I guess we’re taking a break. [Let’s] all go have sex and try to be back in 20-30 minutes.
Everyone has gone AFK.
But that’s just halfway up the thread, with other crafty one-liners coming from the opposite camp. Take this one, for example:
[G2Ger]: “g2g, my water just broke”
[Group]: “you’re a mage, can’t you just summon more?”
Haha! A classic.
Via WoW Forums