World of Warcraft Nihilum recruitment; not for females
Here we go, this is what we’ve been talking about last time. Nihilum, considering themselves one of the professional raid guilds on the Magtheridon realm, have open spots on their raiding guild for a Shadow Priest, a Warlock and a Hunter. Guess who’s going to tank and who’s going to DPS?
Now while they’ve got a comprehensive list of requirements for interested applicants, they’ve got pretty strict do-it-or-frikkin’-die rules regarding player behavior and “maturity”. In fact, WoW Insider blogger Elizabeth Harper finds that the requirements are slightly disturbing: Nihilum specifically will not recruit females.
Sexist? Perhaps, but they have altered the application post to rid the clause stating “no females allowed” sometime earlier today. Unfortunately, even with a cha-cha backstep to neutral ground, Nihilum still keeps certain rules that mostly male geeks would qualify to.
Nihilum probably wishes to set the standards for Raid competition and ranking, just as ZERG IT DOWN and Power Trip have been recognized for their feats in the World of Warcraft Arena tournament. While no one has picked them up at the moment, they are banking on being the best Raid guild and best looking guild until the next expansion.
Via Nihilum
Here we go, this is what we’ve been talking about last time. Nihilum, considering themselves one of the professional raid guilds on the Magtheridon realm, have open spots on their raiding guild for a Shadow Priest, a Warlock and a Hunter. Guess who’s going to tank and who’s going to DPS?
Now while they’ve got a comprehensive list of requirements for interested applicants, they’ve got pretty strict do-it-or-frikkin’-die rules regarding player behavior and “maturity”. In fact, WoW Insider blogger Elizabeth Harper finds that the requirements are slightly disturbing: Nihilum specifically will not recruit females.
Sexist? Perhaps, but they have altered the application post to rid the clause stating “no females allowed” sometime earlier today. Unfortunately, even with a cha-cha backstep to neutral ground, Nihilum still keeps certain rules that mostly male geeks would qualify to.
Nihilum probably wishes to set the standards for Raid competition and ranking, just as ZERG IT DOWN and Power Trip have been recognized for their feats in the World of Warcraft Arena tournament. While no one has picked them up at the moment, they are banking on being the best Raid guild and best looking guild until the next expansion.
Via Nihilum