World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple

World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple - Image 1 World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple - Image 2 World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple - Image 3

According to member kaib on the World of Raids Forums, Bad Omen of Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft Europe‘s Dentarg realm has inched its way to Mount Hyjal and Black Temple instances. No, scratch that: Bad Omen literally breezed through those instances like a hot knife through butter and is proud of it.

Although the group did enter with one man short of a full raid group, they still had to farm as much consumables for all the members to use during the raid and that couldn’t have been easy at all. Naj’entus, Supremus and Shade of Akama were all whisked away easily, and the group boasts a wiped-to-trash rate of downright nil.

Bad Omen is closely trailing the top world first killers on the North American and European realms, Curse and Nihilum respectively. Although they may not really be bleeding edge, they did run with high expectations of the instance, hoping for a second Naxxramas with the new raid content.

They expect Curse and Nihilum to clear the instance before the scheduled reset, and we hope to cover that before downtime ensues.

Via World of Raids

World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple - Image 1 World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple - Image 2 World of Warcraft raids: Bad Omen ventures into Hyjal, Black Temple - Image 3

According to member kaib on the World of Raids Forums, Bad Omen of Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft Europe‘s Dentarg realm has inched its way to Mount Hyjal and Black Temple instances. No, scratch that: Bad Omen literally breezed through those instances like a hot knife through butter and is proud of it.

Although the group did enter with one man short of a full raid group, they still had to farm as much consumables for all the members to use during the raid and that couldn’t have been easy at all. Naj’entus, Supremus and Shade of Akama were all whisked away easily, and the group boasts a wiped-to-trash rate of downright nil.

Bad Omen is closely trailing the top world first killers on the North American and European realms, Curse and Nihilum respectively. Although they may not really be bleeding edge, they did run with high expectations of the instance, hoping for a second Naxxramas with the new raid content.

They expect Curse and Nihilum to clear the instance before the scheduled reset, and we hope to cover that before downtime ensues.

Via World of Raids

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