World of Warcraft: Rare drops better than Epic drops

World of Warcraft - Rare drops are better than Epic drops? - Image 1

World of Warcraft
Rare drops are slightly more common than Epic drops, which would mean, through Blizzard‘s philosophy (Diablo, Diablo II), that Rare drops should be less in quality than an Epic drop. However, for Raids and Arena rewards that isn’t the case.

There are certain blue rewards from a 5-man pull through a basic dungeon quest that, after some retrospective analysis, are so much more in worth than a 10-man dive down Karazhan. It’s more of a certain preference, but for efforts put into the preparation and execution of an Epic raid, you could hope to grab something that’s worth tossing buckets of sweat out the backdoor.

Unfortunately, for an hour to two-hour dungeon pull, you can get a Rare item amazingly comparable to Epic loot grabbed from a full Epic raid. Passion, a level 70 Undead Mage stirred up a storm for frustrated Raid players when he brought this issue out in the World of Warcraft Forums. Eternally burning Nethaera gave Blizzard’s stand on the matter:

We have already started working on balancing the equipment in game a bit more with patch 2.0.10 with the corrections to socketing. There were some items that had to be adjusted to more appropriate values which meant some were adjusted down and others were adjusted up. This is going to be something we plan to continue working on over time in upcoming patches as we evaluate items that may not be living up to what we wanted them to be or are more powerful than originally intended.

So you can bet that by the next live patch, certain items that seemed weak for its item value would be bumped up a few notches while others that seem overpowering in quality will be dropped a couple of notches, too. However, the changes won’t depend on what players think – they depend on what Blizzard deems fit. As Nethaera clarified, “Those that are felt to be too weak, will also be adjusted to a more appropriate level as well, which means some items will go up in power and some will go down in power as we feel they are necessary. “

World of Warcraft - Rare drops are better than Epic drops? - Image 1

World of Warcraft
Rare drops are slightly more common than Epic drops, which would mean, through Blizzard‘s philosophy (Diablo, Diablo II), that Rare drops should be less in quality than an Epic drop. However, for Raids and Arena rewards that isn’t the case.

There are certain blue rewards from a 5-man pull through a basic dungeon quest that, after some retrospective analysis, are so much more in worth than a 10-man dive down Karazhan. It’s more of a certain preference, but for efforts put into the preparation and execution of an Epic raid, you could hope to grab something that’s worth tossing buckets of sweat out the backdoor.

Unfortunately, for an hour to two-hour dungeon pull, you can get a Rare item amazingly comparable to Epic loot grabbed from a full Epic raid. Passion, a level 70 Undead Mage stirred up a storm for frustrated Raid players when he brought this issue out in the World of Warcraft Forums. Eternally burning Nethaera gave Blizzard’s stand on the matter:

We have already started working on balancing the equipment in game a bit more with patch 2.0.10 with the corrections to socketing. There were some items that had to be adjusted to more appropriate values which meant some were adjusted down and others were adjusted up. This is going to be something we plan to continue working on over time in upcoming patches as we evaluate items that may not be living up to what we wanted them to be or are more powerful than originally intended.

So you can bet that by the next live patch, certain items that seemed weak for its item value would be bumped up a few notches while others that seem overpowering in quality will be dropped a couple of notches, too. However, the changes won’t depend on what players think – they depend on what Blizzard deems fit. As Nethaera clarified, “Those that are felt to be too weak, will also be adjusted to a more appropriate level as well, which means some items will go up in power and some will go down in power as we feel they are necessary. “

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