World of Warcraft – Tier 6 images compiled

World of Warcraft Tier 6 warrior - Image 1

With Blizzard‘s patch 2.1.0 looming ever so near, it’s raining info on the epic Tier 6 sets. We’re sure a lot of players are curious as to how their characters would look in the shiny epic stuff – good thing Boubouille from MMO-Champion thought to compile the images from the latest World of Warcraft Public Test Realm (PTR) patch.

The Tier 6 video was a bit of a teaser since we could only see how the armor looked for certain genders and races. Good thing these images should help. The warlock set continues to impress with the uber cool devil wings. We’re now really sure what to say about the aesthetics of the complete looks, but hey – Tier 6 is epic.

We’ll let you revel in the images and picture your characters wearing Tier 6 Armor sets. Tell us what you think.

World of Warcraft epic Tier 6 sets - Image 1World of Warcraft epic Tier 6 sets - Image 10World of Warcraft epic Tier 6 sets - Image 5

The rest of the Tier 6 sets after the jump!

World of Warcraft Tier 6 warrior - Image 1

With patch 2.1.0 looming ever so near, it’s raining info on the epic Tier 6 sets. We’re sure a lot of players are curious as to how their characters would look in the shiny epic stuff – good thing Boubouille from MMO-Champion thought to compile the images from the latest World of Warcraft Public Test Realm (PTR) patch.

The Tier 6 video was a bit of a teaser since we could only see how the armor looked for certain genders and races. Good thing these images should help. The warlock set continues to impress with the uber cool devil wings. We’re now really sure what to say about the aesthetics of the complete looks, but hey – Tier 6 is epic.

We’ll let you revel in the images and picture your characters wearing Tier 6 Armor sets. Tell us what you think.

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