WoW addon: LFGX v2.51
Resident World of Warcraft gamers will be happy to know that jtbalogh let us in on the latest release of the LFGX addon tool. For the guys wondering what this WoW addon does, the author describes it as “A Looking For Group interface with optional notification from channels and server” kind of addon.
Guys who felt that previous versions of this WoW addon were problematic will be happy to know that jtbalogh has fixed many of LFGX’s bugs since our most recent post. As for 2.51’s changelog:
- New test channel available to practice how to send requests without going public.
- Increase the Lfg channel requests in table from 3 to 6. (thx Pimpace)
- Show red ‘X’ graphic in minimap button when Lfmx is disabled.
- Flash red ‘X’ graphic in minimap button when blocking chat.
- Bug fix to keep minimap button flashing and prevent randomly hiding behind textures which can occur after login or reload.
These are just some of the more important details users will want to keep alert for – more information can be found in the file bundle’s text files. We also advise readers to read up on the source link for other details they will need before getting started. Enjoy the download.
Download: LFGX v2.51
The rest of this addon’s important details can be found in the Full article.
Resident World of Warcraft gamers will be happy to know that jtbalogh let us in on the latest release of the LFGX addon tool. For the guys wondering what this game addon does, the author describes it as “A Looking For Group interface with optional notification from channels and server” kind of addon.
Guys who felt that previous versions of this WoW addon were problematic will be happy to know that jtbalogh has fixed many of LFGX’s bugs since our most recent post. As for 2.51’s changelog:
- New test channel available to practice how to send requests without going public.
- Increase the Lfg channel requests in table from 3 to 6. (thx Pimpace)
- Show red ‘X’ graphic in minimap button when Lfmx is disabled.
- Flash red ‘X’ graphic in minimap button when blocking chat.
- Bug fix to keep minimap button flashing and prevent randomly hiding behind textures which can occur after login or reload.
- Move the files to the game folder, .World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsLfgx*.*
- May need to enable the blizzard option for “out-of-date” addons before entering the world. There are too many patches by Blizzard lately to bother updating the toc file.
- Leave the Lfgx channel if the addon fails to remove it since no longer implemented.
- Remove the game folder, .World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsLfgx*.*
- Leave any unused channels, like LookingForGroup, General. The public channels are not hidden by this addon and easily visible to avoid confusion. Server can not be left obviously.
- Block duplicate requests in channels.
- AutoJoin.
- /who info for channels in realtime and without changing friendsframe or causing protection errors.
- Updown graphic arrow in columns for sort status (like auction window)
- Join any or multiple chatframes without having to use options. Detect and use anything.
Known bugs:
- Dungeon name spelled wrong, should be, Arcatraz
- A checkmark in the default blizzard chatframe tabs for the channels, Lookingforgroup and General, may not be accurate. I could not find code to help turn those on/off from the addon. They are usually used to indicate whether the channel is visible in a chatframe or not.
Known limitations:
- LookingForGroup is a private channel that can be damaged by evil moderators.
- LookingForGroup is a private channel that still shows some moderator system messages.
- Requests from the server are limited to a few zones/dungeons and one comment.
- The addon can import all ‘Looking for More’ requests from the server. However, the server is not real time since button mashing is required and can not be automated.
- The original Blizzard LFG interface will not respond as expected anymore because it does not understand the features this addon is trying to accomplish.
- Channel names are shortened to avoid wasting space in the small little chat windows and overcome the limitation of the chat window size.
- People who type requests directly in the chat window are prone to spelling errors causing addon to report as conversations.
- People who type requests directly in the chat window should specify the request in the left portion of message and any comments at the end. The addon will not search for triggers in the middle or end of message to avoid botters who hide triggers at end of message.
- Not very amazing when it comes to memory efficiency, size and speed (optimization is a later upgrade) (could be much much smaller if server was better and we did not need channels anymore).
- Requests will only match known categories while the rest are considered chitchat. Blizzard gets faster servers by searching only by type and name. Random text is a burden on systems especially if abused chitchat. For nonspecific requests, use the zone category to help.
- and others, not yet mentioned here.
These are just some of the more important details users will want to keep alert for – more information can be found in the file bundle’s text files. We also advise readers to read up on the source link for other details they will need before getting started. Enjoy the download.
Download: LFGX 2.51