WoW and other goodies on Linux: Wine v0.9.2.5
Any Linux user today knows that he really might end up having problems doing things. The problem lies in actually using the applications we’re used to having, especially if you switched from something like Windows to the cute little penguin. We’re pretty sure the number of downloads will give a fair idea of Linux users in the QJ community, so we might as well get on with telling you what’s up.
Normally, World of Warcraft and other MMOs and PC games are meant to run on the two main OS types: Windows and Macs. A little bit of tweaking from the Linux community, however, allows for Windows versions of the games to run on Linux by adding a translation layer (and possibly some additional open source stuff) to launch said programs. Of these different additions to the world of Linux, the most notable is the translation layer (or program loader for PSP people out there) known as Wine.
The open source community of Linux officially came out with v0.9.2.5 recently with a pretty nifty update for gaming. WoW players who’ve gotten used to playing by using an OpenGL patch won’t need to anymore. As they mentioned, you can run it straight out of the box!
Here’s the list of other changes in version Enjoy the download, and isn’t it an interesting time to be a Linux gamer?
- Many more fixes for installer support.
- Many MSHTML improvements.
- Support for NTLMv2.
- RPC over TCP improvements.
- Lots of bug fixes.
Download: [Wine v0.9.2.5]
Any Linux user today knows that he really might end up having problems doing things. The problem lies in actually using the applications we’re used to having, especially if you switched from something like Windows to the cute little penguin. We’re pretty sure the number of downloads will give a fair idea of Linux users in the QJ community, so we might as well get on with telling you what’s up.
Normally, World of Warcraft and other MMOs and PC games are meant to run on the two main OS types: Windows and Macs. A little bit of tweaking from the Linux community, however, allows for Windows versions of the games to run on Linux by adding a translation layer (and possibly some additional open source stuff) to launch said programs. Of these different additions to the world of Linux, the most notable is the translation layer (or program loader for PSP people out there) known as Wine.
The open source community of Linux officially came out with v0.9.2.5 recently with a pretty nifty update for gaming. WoW players who’ve gotten used to playing by using an OpenGL patch won’t need to anymore. As they mentioned, you can run it straight out of the box!
Here’s the list of other changes in version Enjoy the download, and isn’t it an interesting time to be a Linux gamer?
- Many more fixes for installer support.
- Many MSHTML improvements.
- Support for NTLMv2.
- RPC over TCP improvements.
- Lots of bug fixes.
Download: [Wine v0.9.2.5]