WoW: Error found in smelting hardened adamantite
One World of Warcraft player over at the MMO game’s official community site pointed out an error that may cause some confusion while playing the said MMO. It should be remembered that a handful of players pointed out some in-game errors as well to Blizzard yesterday.
Anyway, the problem concerns mining and smelting hardened adamantite. Currently, the tooltip says, “Allows the miner to smelt adamantite bars and a primal fire into an hardened adamantite bar. Smelting hardened adamantite bar requires a forge.”
However, those adept in WoW know fully well that primal fire is not needed in forging this type of material. The request for correction was picked up by Blizzard Localization Quality Assurance agent Tootamia and posted the following,
Thank you for reporting the typo, it is already fixed and should appear in the incoming patches. Since it was a known issue it has been decided that a primal fire would not be added to the cost.
It’s nice to see players helping out Blizzard to keep on improving WoW even by reporting small things like this. The guys at Blizzard need all the help they could get with their hands already full with problems such as gold farming and keyloggers attacking forum moderators.
Via WoW Europe
One World of Warcraft player over at the MMO game’s official community site pointed out an error that may cause some confusion while playing the said MMO. It should be remembered that a handful of players pointed out some in-game errors as well to Blizzard yesterday.
Anyway, the problem concerns mining and smelting hardened adamantite. Currently, the tooltip says, “Allows the miner to smelt adamantite bars and a primal fire into an hardened adamantite bar. Smelting hardened adamantite bar requires a forge.”
However, those adept in WoW know fully well that primal fire is not needed in forging this type of material. The request for correction was picked up by Blizzard Localization Quality Assurance agent Tootamia and posted the following,
Thank you for reporting the typo, it is already fixed and should appear in the incoming patches. Since it was a known issue it has been decided that a primal fire would not be added to the cost.
It’s nice to see players helping out Blizzard to keep on improving WoW even by reporting small things like this. The guys at Blizzard need all the help they could get with their hands already full with problems such as gold farming and keyloggers attacking forum moderators.
Via WoW Europe