WoW forum discussion: Defecting factions

WoW Horde and Alliance - Image 1If Illidan and Arthas have proven anything, even the most stalwart defenders can be corrupted and turned against their own race. But while treachery like this is generally frowned upon, wouldn’t it be bad-ass to know you’re some sort of enigmatic (and much-hated) exile from your home race? Think about it – the next big terror for the Alliance would be your awe-inspiring Horde gnome warlock!

Valansio over at the World of Warcraft forums took the idea further and explained that to keep the defection controlled, player would have to go through a quest. Here was the poster’s idea:

1. Player wants to defect to faction X.

2. Player does a series of quests to defect, and becomes hated with their original faction and only slightly less hated or unfriendly with their new faction.

2b. Or, player would be hated with both and become a “neutral” or an “exile”. (On a PvP server, they’d be open to attack from any faction. All zones would be contested for them. They would only have access to the neutral cities, AH, etc.)

3. Player does quests to build faction with their new choice. Break into cities, steal stuff, kill people, etc etc. 4. Player becomes Neutral with their new faction and can now interact and play just as any normal person would of that faction.

5. ???

6. Profit

A short time later (on page 5 of the thread), Blizzard representative Bornakk passed by to drop the bomb on this possibility, and to remind the readers of their loyalties:

Before joining either the Alliance or the Horde, one must be a devoted, loyal, and honorable person. Having a character turn their back to this would betray everything they swore to protect. With the high tension that already exists between the two factions, a characterÂ’s safety could not be guaranteed in any location as people on both sides would be very unforgiving.

You are free to roll new characters at anytime if you want to play the other faction, but we have no plans at this time to add a feature that changes an existing characterÂ’s faction.

Scratch that idea for the moment. Then again, it will be noted that before The Burning Crusade, Blizzard was also adamant about the Alliance not having a race that could roll shamans, or the Horde having a race that could roll Paladins. We’d like to ask the readers here as well – how you feel about having the ability to defect to the faction you’ve been pwning in the past?

Via WoW Forums

WoW Horde and Alliance - Image 1If Illidan and Arthas have proven anything, even the most stalwart defenders can be corrupted and turned against their own race. But while treachery like this is generally frowned upon, wouldn’t it be bad-ass to know you’re some sort of enigmatic (and much-hated) exile from your home race? Think about it – the next big terror for the Alliance would be your awe-inspiring Horde gnome warlock!

Valansio over at the World of Warcraft forums took the idea further and explained that to keep the defection controlled, player would have to go through a quest. Here was the poster’s idea:

1. Player wants to defect to faction X.

2. Player does a series of quests to defect, and becomes hated with their original faction and only slightly less hated or unfriendly with their new faction.

2b. Or, player would be hated with both and become a “neutral” or an “exile”. (On a PvP server, they’d be open to attack from any faction. All zones would be contested for them. They would only have access to the neutral cities, AH, etc.)

3. Player does quests to build faction with their new choice. Break into cities, steal stuff, kill people, etc etc. 4. Player becomes Neutral with their new faction and can now interact and play just as any normal person would of that faction.

5. ???

6. Profit

A short time later (on page 5 of the thread), Blizzard representative Bornakk passed by to drop the bomb on this possibility, and to remind the readers of their loyalties:

Before joining either the Alliance or the Horde, one must be a devoted, loyal, and honorable person. Having a character turn their back to this would betray everything they swore to protect. With the high tension that already exists between the two factions, a characterÂ’s safety could not be guaranteed in any location as people on both sides would be very unforgiving.

You are free to roll new characters at anytime if you want to play the other faction, but we have no plans at this time to add a feature that changes an existing characterÂ’s faction.

Scratch that idea for the moment. Then again, it will be noted that before The Burning Crusade, Blizzard was also adamant about the Alliance not having a race that could roll shamans, or the Horde having a race that could roll Paladins. We’d like to ask the readers here as well – how you feel about having the ability to defect to the faction you’ve been pwning in the past?

Via WoW Forums

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