WoW forum explanation: Daze debuff mechanics

Daze Debuff - Image 1Blizzard poster Drysc dropped by the World of Warcraft forum earlier to post details about one of the MMORPG’s more commonly experienced debuffs – Daze.

For the neophyte players, Daze is a debuff that causes your character to lose 50% of their movement speed for four seconds. Mounted players hit by this debuff are further forced to dismount.

Getting back on topic, Drysc’s tutorial in particular explains the debuff’s basic mechanics, as it was a frequently discussed effect. More so that a mob has a chance to cast it on any players that were unwise enough o face away from them. Consider this a lesson on being careful, all the more given how clothies (i.e. mages, rogues, priests) have as much as a 40% chance of getting hit. As Drysc explained regarding the mechanics:

The chance to be dazed is determined by the character’s base defense rating as compared to the mobs level, or technically the defense of the character versus the attack skill of the mob (which is always maxed at [5 x mob level]).

A level 70 mob would have an attack of 350 as compared to a level 70’s character defense of 350. The base chance is 20% and this lowers or raises based on the difference between player defense and mob attack, to a minimum of 0% chance, or maximum of 40% chance.

Drysc further pointed out that the debuff has a much lower chance of activating on low-levelers. Blizzard intentionally did this so that newcomers to WoW would be given a chance to learn the game’s physics. Daze’s activation chance scales with the character’s level, before hitting its default chance of 20% at level 30. And in case you’re wondering why it seems like the debuff’s been happening frequently, Drysc provides for this explanation:

Other factors that may give a sense that daze is occurring more often may include the lack of many actual level 60 mobs roaming throughout leveling or questing areas in Azeroth, as compared to the large amount of level 70 (and higher) mobs roaming throughout Outland.

That’s a snippet of the blue-texter’s explanation on Daze mechanics. Full details should be available in Drysc’s thread post at the WoW forums via the source link below.

Via WoW Forums

Daze Debuff - Image 1Blizzard poster Drysc dropped by the World of Warcraft forum earlier to post details about one of the MMORPG’s more commonly experienced debuffs – Daze.

For the neophyte players, Daze is a debuff that causes your character to lose 50% of their movement speed for four seconds. Mounted players hit by this debuff are further forced to dismount.

Getting back on topic, Drysc’s tutorial in particular explains the debuff’s basic mechanics, as it was a frequently discussed effect. More so that a mob has a chance to cast it on any players that were unwise enough o face away from them. Consider this a lesson on being careful, all the more given how clothies (i.e. mages, rogues, priests) have as much as a 40% chance of getting hit. As Drysc explained regarding the mechanics:

The chance to be dazed is determined by the character’s base defense rating as compared to the mobs level, or technically the defense of the character versus the attack skill of the mob (which is always maxed at [5 x mob level]).

A level 70 mob would have an attack of 350 as compared to a level 70’s character defense of 350. The base chance is 20% and this lowers or raises based on the difference between player defense and mob attack, to a minimum of 0% chance, or maximum of 40% chance.

Drysc further pointed out that the debuff has a much lower chance of activating on low-levelers. Blizzard intentionally did this so that newcomers to WoW would be given a chance to learn the game’s physics. Daze’s activation chance scales with the character’s level, before hitting its default chance of 20% at level 30. And in case you’re wondering why it seems like the debuff’s been happening frequently, Drysc provides for this explanation:

Other factors that may give a sense that daze is occurring more often may include the lack of many actual level 60 mobs roaming throughout leveling or questing areas in Azeroth, as compared to the large amount of level 70 (and higher) mobs roaming throughout Outland.

That’s a snippet of the blue-texter’s explanation on Daze mechanics. Full details should be available in Drysc’s thread post at the WoW forums via the source link below.

Via WoW Forums

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