WoW Forums: What happens to legendary weapons come WotLK?
As it stands, weapons like The Twin Blades of Azzinoth are the new hotness for any World of Warcraft adventurer fortunate enough to wield them. Given the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion, however, could legendary gear like these soon become the old and busted?
This was the topic Raden started over at a thread in the WoW Forums. According to the thread starter, there was growing concern that as Blizzard introduced newer and more powerful equipment into the game (in line with the new lvl 80 cap), older legendaries would risk becoming obsolete. Raden made a proposal on what could be done to preserve the prestige of the game’s existing legendary weapons:
My main point is that you should make legendarys scale with level/gear somehow, so that they don’t become obsolete. For example, for the dps of the weapons you could make them 2x the level of the wielder, or the wielder’s AP/10. You get the general idea, this would keep them useful and make them actually useful to the heroes that wielded them.
The thread was later visited by Blizzard representative Bornakk, who gave this reply:
When you receive a legendary item, it is a special accomplishment that everybody who sees you with it will recognize. We don’t want a person to get one of these and have it be so special that they never have to replace it.
Like all items, they are meant to have their limit of power and you will eventually find a potential improvement to replace it and move on. We currently have no plans to change our design philosophy and allow items to scale with the player.
Further along, some of the thread posters began adding their own ideas. Muwata in particular posted the suggestion that instead of scaling the weapons (as Raden suggested), why not include several extremely difficult quests that would allow the weapon’s bearer to upgrade their gear? The trade-off with the idea is that it might discourage current players from trying to explore and experiment with any new weapons that might be coming out.
The discussion’s long and lively at the WoW Forums as we report it – guys interested in reading the other suggestions (whether serious or humorous) can opt to drop by the WoW Forums via the source link below.
Via WoW Forums
As it stands, weapons like The Twin Blades of Azzinoth are the new hotness for any World of Warcraft adventurer fortunate enough to wield them. Given the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion, however, could legendary gear like these soon become the old and busted?
This was the topic Raden started over at a thread in the WoW Forums. According to the thread starter, there was growing concern that as Blizzard introduced newer and more powerful equipment into the game (in line with the new lvl 80 cap), older legendaries would risk becoming obsolete. Raden made a proposal on what could be done to preserve the prestige of the game’s existing legendary weapons:
My main point is that you should make legendarys scale with level/gear somehow, so that they don’t become obsolete. For example, for the dps of the weapons you could make them 2x the level of the wielder, or the wielder’s AP/10. You get the general idea, this would keep them useful and make them actually useful to the heroes that wielded them.
The thread was later visited by Blizzard representative Bornakk, who gave this reply:
When you receive a legendary item, it is a special accomplishment that everybody who sees you with it will recognize. We don’t want a person to get one of these and have it be so special that they never have to replace it.
Like all items, they are meant to have their limit of power and you will eventually find a potential improvement to replace it and move on. We currently have no plans to change our design philosophy and allow items to scale with the player.
Further along, some of the thread posters began adding their own ideas. Muwata in particular posted the suggestion that instead of scaling the weapons (as Raden suggested), why not include several extremely difficult quests that would allow the weapon’s bearer to upgrade their gear? The trade-off with the idea is that it might discourage current players from trying to explore and experiment with any new weapons that might be coming out.
The discussion’s long and lively at the WoW Forums as we report it – guys interested in reading the other suggestions (whether serious or humorous) can opt to drop by the WoW Forums via the source link below.
Via WoW Forums