WoW hero classes to consume character slot

WoW hero classes to consume character slot - Image 1 

World of Warcraft
has been more than just leisure for some, after Blizzard Entertainment’s massively multiplayer (and successful) online RPG launched just a few years ago. Some gameplay styles of classic RPG-goers never grow old, and if you’re one of those who loves to create an elaborate avatar collection, the news of a new hero class probably tripped an alarm inside your head.

But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Plenty of other folk have been wondering if the new hero class will need one of your precious (and possibly occupied) character slots. Waxxy community manager Nethaera graced the forum thread of curious Solvair of Hyjal and had this to say about the issue:

The new hero class will take a character slot. We have no plans to add more character slots. So, much like with the addition of Draenei and Blood Elves, my suggestion would be strategic deletion if you want to add the new Death Knight to your repertoire.

Blizzard did not wish that players’ most prized characters be “given up” just to play a new hero class, but it appears this approach might change that view altogether. What if all your characters were equally prized; which one will you choose? Ponderous decision, indeed.

Via WoW Forums

WoW hero classes to consume character slot - Image 1 

World of Warcraft
has been more than just leisure for some, after Blizzard Entertainment’s massively multiplayer (and successful) online RPG launched just a few years ago. Some gameplay styles of classic RPG-goers never grow old, and if you’re one of those who loves to create an elaborate avatar collection, the news of a new hero class probably tripped an alarm inside your head.

But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Plenty of other folk have been wondering if the new hero class will need one of your precious (and possibly occupied) character slots. Waxxy community manager Nethaera graced the forum thread of curious Solvair of Hyjal and had this to say about the issue:

The new hero class will take a character slot. We have no plans to add more character slots. So, much like with the addition of Draenei and Blood Elves, my suggestion would be strategic deletion if you want to add the new Death Knight to your repertoire.

Blizzard did not wish that players’ most prized characters be “given up” just to play a new hero class, but it appears this approach might change that view altogether. What if all your characters were equally prized; which one will you choose? Ponderous decision, indeed.

Via WoW Forums

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