WoW Hunter feedback part 2: Pets
If the World of Warcraft gamers here have been listening in on the ongoing discussion on the hunter job class, we have an update.
Blizzard spokesman Vaneras over at the WoW Europe official forums has just updated the hunter dev feedback thread with another volley of Q&As, although this update focuses more heavily on pets – players specializing as Beast Masters will want to read this.
Going into details on the Q&A, one of the more important topics under discussion is pet survivability – several WoW bosses were notorious “pet-killers” as of late, and hunters were inquiring on whether there were going to be plans to increase the hunter pet’s battlefield survivability.
On that point, the Blizzard developers replied that they were working on it, although several balancing issues had to be studied to ensure that pets did not become overpowered in PvP – recall the recent Druid bear-nerf that was implemented last month to get an idea of what the devs have in mind.
Now, as for the more notable Q&A exchanges:
Pets do not seem to gain anything from items giving the master Crit rating, Hit rating, etc. This seems counter-intuitive to a degree, seeing as a item with higher item level and better stats could actually prove to be a downgrade when you consider what your pet gains as well. Intended?
Yes it is intended; however the developers are keeping an eye on this, so this might be changed in the future.
Pets currently do not count toward a player’s kill (for things like Rapid Killing, trinkets requiring a kill…), even when the player has tagged the mob (i.e. pet not staying on aggressive auto-killing). As a pet class, this seems counter-intuitive. Intentional?
This is already being fixed, and it is expected to be implemented together with patch 2.1.
Growl’s threat now scales based on the Hunter’s Ranged Attack Power. Due to Marksman Hunters having so high an amount of Ranged Attack Power, Beast Mastery pets often aren’t able to keep up with the aggro generated. This seems counter-intuitive, possibly have deeper talents of Beast Mastery yield a bonus to Growl threat?
The developers thinks that this is valid feedback, however there is no information available regarding what they will do to address this concern.
Don’t be too disheartened if the Blizzard developers seem to be repeating the “we’re working on it” clause for most of the concerns. Chances are, they probably are working on it, and that’s why Vaneras posted the updates. For now, just keep yourselves alert for any new discussions as they arise.
If the World of Warcraft gamers here have been listening in on the ongoing discussion on the hunter job class, we have an update.
Blizzard spokesman Vaneras over at the WoW Europe official forums has just updated the hunter dev feedback thread with another volley of Q&As, although this update focuses more heavily on pets – players specializing as Beast Masters will want to read this.
Going into details on the Q&A, one of the more important topics under discussion is pet survivability – several WoW bosses were notorious “pet-killers” as of late, and hunters were inquiring on whether there were going to be plans to increase the hunter pet’s battlefield survivability.
On that point, the Blizzard developers replied that they were working on it, although several balancing issues had to be studied to ensure that pets did not become overpowered in PvP – recall the recent Druid bear-nerf that was implemented last month to get an idea of what the devs have in mind.
Now, as for the more notable Q&A exchanges:
Pets do not seem to gain anything from items giving the master Crit rating, Hit rating, etc. This seems counter-intuitive to a degree, seeing as a item with higher item level and better stats could actually prove to be a downgrade when you consider what your pet gains as well. Intended?
Yes it is intended; however the developers are keeping an eye on this, so this might be changed in the future.
Pets currently do not count toward a player’s kill (for things like Rapid Killing, trinkets requiring a kill…), even when the player has tagged the mob (i.e. pet not staying on aggressive auto-killing). As a pet class, this seems counter-intuitive. Intentional?
This is already being fixed, and it is expected to be implemented together with patch 2.1.
Growl’s threat now scales based on the Hunter’s Ranged Attack Power. Due to Marksman Hunters having so high an amount of Ranged Attack Power, Beast Mastery pets often aren’t able to keep up with the aggro generated. This seems counter-intuitive, possibly have deeper talents of Beast Mastery yield a bonus to Growl threat?
The developers thinks that this is valid feedback, however there is no information available regarding what they will do to address this concern.
Don’t be too disheartened if the Blizzard developers seem to be repeating the “we’re working on it” clause for most of the concerns. Chances are, they probably are working on it, and that’s why Vaneras posted the updates. For now, just keep yourselves alert for any new discussions as they arise.