WoW: ISP-related server maintenance announced
In case you haven’t logged into World of Warcraft yet, Blizzard has made an announcement via spokesman Drysc that one of their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will be performing maintenance. The announcement further states that while Blizzard has been assured that the maintenance won’t affect game connectivity, they will still be listing the affected servers in case anything goes wrong.
Unfortunately, there was no time frame provided to inform players of when the maintenance kicks in – just stay alert in case of problems, and contact Blizzard accordingly. As WoW Insider points out, 74 of WoW‘s 265 US realms are in the affected server list:
- Aegwynn
- Akama
- Aman’Thul
- Arathor
- Azjol-Nerub
- Barthilas
- Blackrock
- Bloodscalp
- Bonechewer
- Boudlerfist
- Bronzebeard
- Chromaggus
- Crushridge
- Daggerspine
- Darkspear
- Dath’Remar
- Draenor
- Dragonblight
- Dragonmaw
- Draka
- Drak’thul
- Dunemaul
The full server list is available in the Full Article
In case you haven’t logged into World of Warcraft yet, Blizzard has made an announcement via spokesman Drysc that one of their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will be performing maintenance. The announcement further states that while Blizzard has been assured that the maintenance won’t affect game connectivity, they will still be listing the affected servers in case anything goes wrong.
Unfortunately, there was no time frame provided to inform players of when the maintenance kicks in – just stay alert in case of problems, and contact Blizzard accordingly. As WoW Insider points out, 74 of WoW‘s 265 US realms are in the affected server list:
- Aegwynn
- Akama
- Aman’Thul
- Arathor
- Azjol-Nerub
- Barthilas
- Blackrock
- Bloodscalp
- Bonechewer
- Boudlerfist
- Bronzebeard
- Chromaggus
- Crushridge
- Daggerspine
- Darkspear
- Dath’Remar
- Draenor
- Dragonblight
- Dragonmaw
- Draka
- Drak’thul
- Dunemaul
- Eitrigg
- Eldre’Theas
- Feathermoon
- Firetree
- Frostmane
- Frostmourne
- Frostwolf
- Garithos
- Gurubashi
- Hakkar
- Jubei’Thos
- Khaz Modan
- Khaz’goroth
- Kil’Jaeden
- Kilrogg
- Korgath
- Kul Tiras
- Malorne
- Mug’thol
- Muradin
- Nagrand
- Nathrezim
- Ner’zhul
- Perenolde
- Proudmoore
- Rexxar
- Runetotem
- Scarlet Crusade
- Sen’Jin
- Shadow Council
- Shadowsong
- Siver Hand
- Silvermoon
- Skywall
- Smolderthorn
- Spirestone
- Stonemaul
- Stormscale
- Suramar
- Terenas
- Thaurissan
- Thorium Brotherhood
- Tichondrius
- Uldum
- Vek’nilash
- Windrunner
Via WoW Forums