WoW: Rogue problems in the Arena and others addressed

World of Warcraft: Rogue problems in the Arena addressed - Image 1Rogues, like most other classes in World of Warcraft have had their share of problems. A player on the WoW Europe Forums recently posted the top ten major problems regarding the class.

This is actually no surprise considering the impression that most players have regarding the Rogue‘s poor performance in the Arena.

Among the problems that were brought up include, the vanish bug, pets running after you in stealth, bad scaling of finishing moves, stealth, CloS not working while in fear or trapped, and lack of armor on leather.

Of course, the cries of the players didn’t go unheard. Blizzard poster and forum moderator Vaneras addressed the issues in a rather long post.

Vanish isn’t bugged and it is in fact working as intended, however it is affected by latency, which is what people perceives as being bugged. There are currently no plans for changing the way that Vanish works, which I most certainly know that you don’t want to hear.

However that does not mean that the developers will dismiss these concerns, because if they find a proper way to address this issue, then such a solution will be implemented. But in regards to Rogue performance in the Arenas in general, this is something that the developers are looking into.

It looks like Blizzard is still looking for ways to address these problems. We here at QJ.NET are sure a lot of the Rogues out there would want an immediate solution, but it seems like it’s not that simple. After all, the devs have to worry about game balance and other things before they do make a change.

Still, it would be great if they would speed it up a bit since a lot of players are getting very upset by these.

Via WoW Europe Forums

World of Warcraft: Rogue problems in the Arena addressed - Image 1Rogues, like most other classes in World of Warcraft have had their share of problems. A player on the WoW Europe Forums recently posted the top ten major problems regarding the class.

This is actually no surprise considering the impression that most players have regarding the Rogue‘s poor performance in the Arena.

Among the problems that were brought up include, the vanish bug, pets running after you in stealth, bad scaling of finishing moves, stealth, CloS not working while in fear or trapped, and lack of armor on leather.

Of course, the cries of the players didn’t go unheard. Blizzard poster and forum moderator Vaneras addressed the issues in a rather long post.

Vanish isn’t bugged and it is in fact working as intended, however it is affected by latency, which is what people perceives as being bugged. There are currently no plans for changing the way that Vanish works, which I most certainly know that you don’t want to hear.

However that does not mean that the developers will dismiss these concerns, because if they find a proper way to address this issue, then such a solution will be implemented. But in regards to Rogue performance in the Arenas in general, this is something that the developers are looking into.

It looks like Blizzard is still looking for ways to address these problems. We here at QJ.NET are sure a lot of the Rogues out there would want an immediate solution, but it seems like it’s not that simple. After all, the devs have to worry about game balance and other things before they do make a change.

Still, it would be great if they would speed it up a bit since a lot of players are getting very upset by these.

Via WoW Europe Forums

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